fuckers at school tellin' me, always in the barbershop, “chief keef ain't ‘bout this, cheif keef ain't ‘bout that”. my boy a bd on fuckin' lemrod and them! he he, they say, “that nigga don't be puttin' in no work”. shut the fuck up!!! y'all niggas ain't no shit

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fuckers at school tellin' me, always in the barbershop, “chief keef ain't ‘bout this, cheif keef ain't ‘bout that”. my boy a bd on fuckin' lemrod and them! he he, they say, “that nigga don't be puttin' in no work”. shut the fuck up!!! y'all niggas ain't no shit, Мем  стетхем
fuckers at school tellin' me, always in the barbershop, “chief keef ain't ‘bout this, cheif keef ain't ‘bout that”. my boy a bd on fuckin' lemrod and them! he he, they say, “that nigga don't be puttin' in no work”. shut the fuck up!!! y'all niggas ain't no shit Мем стетхем
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fuckers at school tellin' me, always in the barbershop, “chief keef ain't ‘bout this, cheif keef ain't ‘bout that”. my boy a bd on fuckin' lemrod and them! he he, they say, “that nigga don't be puttin' in no work”. shut the fuck up!!! y'all niggas ain't no shit, Мем  стетхем
fuckers at school tellin' me, always in the barbershop, “chief keef ain't ‘bout this, cheif keef ain't ‘bout that”. my boy a bd on fuckin' lemrod and them! he he, they say, “that nigga don't be puttin' in no work”. shut the fuck up!!! y'all niggas ain't no shit, Мем стетхем