we had 2 data scientists, 1 cto, thousands of unlabeled emails and the task to create 20-labels email classifier not that it was hard task, but we had to label data by ourselves, as texts were specific and hard to recognize w/o subject matter knowledge

Мем Страх и ненависть в Лас-Вегасе

we had 2 data scientists, 1 cto, thousands of unlabeled emails and the task to create 20-labels email classifier not that it was hard task, but we had to label data by ourselves, as texts were specific and hard to recognize w/o subject matter knowledge, Мем Страх и ненависть в Лас-Вегасе
we had 2 data scientists, 1 cto, thousands of unlabeled emails and the task to create 20-labels email classifier not that it was hard task, but we had to label data by ourselves, as texts were specific and hard to recognize w/o subject matter knowledge Мем Страх и ненависть в Лас-Вегасе
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we had 2 data scientists, 1 cto, thousands of unlabeled emails and the task to create 20-labels email classifier not that it was hard task, but we had to label data by ourselves, as texts were specific and hard to recognize w/o subject matter knowledge, Мем Страх и ненависть в Лас-Вегасе
we had 2 data scientists, 1 cto, thousands of unlabeled emails and the task to create 20-labels email classifier not that it was hard task, but we had to label data by ourselves, as texts were specific and hard to recognize w/o subject matter knowledge, Мем Страх и ненависть в Лас-Вегасе