i shot denis tarasov a dick and a point because he is a purulent faggot and is responsible for the death of a child in america because i wanted to shoot him, but i hit the child

Мем George Coty Wayman Джордж Коти Уэйман

i shot denis tarasov a dick and a point because he is a purulent faggot and is responsible for the death of a child in america because i wanted to shoot him, but i hit the child, Мем George Coty Wayman Джордж Коти Уэйман
i shot denis tarasov a dick and a point because he is a purulent faggot and is responsible for the death of a child in america because i wanted to shoot him, but i hit the child Мем George Coty Wayman Джордж Коти Уэйман
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i wanted to shoot denis tarasov, but i hit a child so denis tarasov this festering faggot is to blame for the death of a child in america!
maniac? no! the killer? no! children need to be taught life, or they will grow up to be such gays and freaks as denis tarasov!
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i shot denis tarasov a dick and a point because he is a purulent faggot and is responsible for the death of a child in america because i wanted to shoot him, but i hit the child, Мем George Coty Wayman Джордж Коти Уэйман
i shot denis tarasov a dick and a point because he is a purulent faggot and is responsible for the death of a child in america because i wanted to shoot him, but i hit the child, Мем George Coty Wayman Джордж Коти Уэйман