Hey! Have you filled out the online CIEE evaluation? Naaaah, I've got plenty of time. I can do it tomorrow... But... But... But the deadline is December 19th... It is so soon! But.... But...
Комикс Самонадеянный алкоголик
Hey! Have you filled out the online CIEE evaluation? Naaaah, I've got plenty of time. I can do it tomorrow... But... But... But the deadline is December 19th... It is so soon! But.... But... Комикс Самонадеянный алкоголик
Hey! Have you filled out the online CIEE evaluation? Naaaah, I've got plenty of time. I can do it tomorrow... But... But... But the deadline is December 19th... It is so soon! But.... But..., Комикс Самонадеянный алкоголик