On a bicycle you can travel up to 1037kms on the energy equivalent of a single litre of petrol. On a bicycle you can expect to be as fit as an average person ten years younger, if you cycle regularly. On a bicycle you weigh about six times more than your vehicle. With a car your vehicle weighs around twenty times more than you do. запомни это!

Комикс Staredad

On a bicycle you can travel up to 1037kms on the energy equivalent of a single litre of petrol. On a bicycle you can expect to be as fit as an average person ten years younger, if you cycle regularly. On a bicycle you weigh about six times more than your vehicle. With a car your vehicle weighs around twenty times more than you do. запомни это!, Комикс Staredad
On a bicycle you can travel up to 1037kms on the energy equivalent of a single litre of petrol. On a bicycle you can expect to be as fit as an average person ten years younger, if you cycle regularly. On a bicycle you weigh about six times more than your vehicle. With a car your vehicle weighs around twenty times more than you do. запомни это! Комикс Staredad
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On a bicycle you can travel up to 1037kms on the energy equivalent of a single litre of petrol. On a bicycle you can expect to be as fit as an average person ten years younger, if you cycle regularly. On a bicycle you weigh about six times more than your vehicle. With a car your vehicle weighs around twenty times more than you do. запомни это!, Комикс Staredad
On a bicycle you can travel up to 1037kms on the energy equivalent of a single litre of petrol. On a bicycle you can expect to be as fit as an average person ten years younger, if you cycle regularly. On a bicycle you weigh about six times more than your vehicle. With a car your vehicle weighs around twenty times more than you do. запомни это!, Комикс Staredad
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