I've reported 100500 bugs today and devs are going to fix that devs think they're heroes until you come in to test their work and point out their errors. if you were a villain, what character would you play? But I... ...am a superhero...as I help to make the word better...

Комикс Но я же

I've reported 100500 bugs today and devs are going to fix that devs think they're heroes until you come in to test their work and point out their errors. if you were a villain, what character would you play? But I... ...am a superhero...as I help to make the word better..., Комикс Но я же
I've reported 100500 bugs today and devs are going to fix that devs think they're heroes until you come in to test their work and point out their errors. if you were a villain, what character would you play? But I... ...am a superhero...as I help to make the word better... Комикс Но я же
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I've reported 100500 bugs today and devs are going to fix that developers think they're heroes until you come in to test their work and point out their errors. so, if you were a villain, what character would you play? But I... am a superhero.... and help to make the word better...
I've reported 100500 bugs today and devs are going to fix that devs think they're heroes until you come in to test their work and point out their errors. if you were a villain, what character would you play? But I... am a superhero...as I help to make the word better...
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I've reported 100500 bugs today and devs are going to fix that devs think they're heroes until you come in to test their work and point out their errors. if you were a villain, what character would you play? But I... ...am a superhero...as I help to make the word better..., Комикс Но я же
I've reported 100500 bugs today and devs are going to fix that devs think they're heroes until you come in to test their work and point out their errors. if you were a villain, what character would you play? But I... ...am a superhero...as I help to make the word better..., Комикс Но я же
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