ruslan you can't just ignore "u" in a linear regression y=b0+b1x+u this is that freaking econometrics, this isn't statistics or math

Мем Нельзя просто так взять и (Боромир мем)

ruslan you can't just ignore "u" in a linear regression y=b0+b1x+u this is that freaking econometrics, this isn't statistics or math, Мем Нельзя просто так взять и (Боромир мем)
ruslan you can't just ignore "u" in a linear regression y=b0+b1x+u this is that freaking econometrics, this isn't statistics or math Мем Нельзя просто так взять и (Боромир мем)
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почему нельзя просто попросить у кого-нибудь пожрать ? )
ruslan you can not just pick up and learn how others this freaking econometrics
ruslan you can not just pick up and learn how others this is that freaking econometrics
не можна просто так взять і не заходить в йоп кожні 5 мінут, шоб перевірити, чи нема нових постів про вагітну в 13
нельзя просто так взять и решить все вопросы
ruslan you can not just ignore u in a regression model y=b0+b1x+u this is that freaking econometrics, this isn't statistics or math
ruslan you can not just ignore "u" in a regression model y=b0+b1x+u this is that freaking econometrics, this isn't statistics or math
нельзя так просто взять и не поздравить андрюшку с днём рождения!
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ruslan you can't just ignore "u" in a linear regression y=b0+b1x+u this is that freaking econometrics, this isn't statistics or math, Мем Нельзя просто так взять и (Боромир мем)
ruslan you can't just ignore "u" in a linear regression y=b0+b1x+u this is that freaking econometrics, this isn't statistics or math, Мем Нельзя просто так взять и (Боромир мем)