You guys really wanna make bw alive again? I have pretty good idea for it: If even 100 folks agree to this(seems that we could even get more), we could make a fundraise. f.e. Everyone who lists up for this, is giving 10euros eich month to the budjet. 10x100 = 1000euros a month.

Комикс Джимми

You guys really wanna make bw alive again? I have pretty good idea for it: If even 100 folks agree to this(seems that we could even get more), we could make a fundraise. f.e. Everyone who lists up for this, is giving 10euros eich month to the budjet. 10x100 = 1000euros a month., Комикс Джимми
You guys really wanna make bw alive again? I have pretty good idea for it: If even 100 folks agree to this(seems that we could even get more), we could make a fundraise. f.e. Everyone who lists up for this, is giving 10euros eich month to the budjet. 10x100 = 1000euros a month. Комикс Джимми
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You guys really wanna make bw alive again? I have pretty good idea for it: If even 100 folks agree to this(seems that we could even get more), we could make a fundraise. f.e. Everyone who lists up for this, is giving 10euros eich month to the budjet. 10x100 = 1000euros a month., Комикс Джимми
You guys really wanna make bw alive again? I have pretty good idea for it: If even 100 folks agree to this(seems that we could even get more), we could make a fundraise. f.e. Everyone who lists up for this, is giving 10euros eich month to the budjet. 10x100 = 1000euros a month., Комикс Джимми
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