eternal silence of the sea. i'm breathing,alive. where are you now? where are you now? under the bring but faded light you set my heart on fire. where are you now? where are you now?

Мем Ты просто космос

eternal silence of the sea. i'm breathing,alive. where are you now? where are you now? under the bring but faded light you set my heart on fire. where are you now? where are you now?, Мем Ты просто космос
eternal silence of the sea. i'm breathing,alive. where are you now? where are you now? under the bring but faded light you set my heart on fire. where are you now? where are you now? Мем Ты просто космос
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eternal silence of the sea. i'm breathing,alive. where are you now? where are you now? under the bring but faded light you set my heart on fire. where are you now? where are you now?, Мем Ты просто космос
eternal silence of the sea. i'm breathing,alive. where are you now? where are you now? under the bring but faded light you set my heart on fire. where are you now? where are you now?, Мем Ты просто космос